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Unveil the Mystery (Issue no9)

Hey there! Home sweet home, we're back from our very first proper tour! And i'm back with this long overdue issue of my mysterious chronicles! Overall, it has been a great experience! No fights in the truck, no tv smashed in the hotel rooms, not so much naked chicks in the backstage if i remember correctly, the most rock'n'rollish hotel thing i did so far was to move the bed away from another one and snore like a pneumatic that rock'n'roll enough for you? The travelling was insane, especially for me who normally dont always feel comfortable being away from home, not even mentioning my little problem with airplanes. But the shows itself and the audiences makes you feel like at home everywhere you go! And it was good also to go a little bit outside of the usual tourist traps of the bigger cities, playing more of their suburbs (except for London's borderline). I'll tell you more in details about each shows in the forthcoming chronicles. Right now we're all trying to recover from a jet lag so all i will say for now is a warm, heartfelt, bigger than usual 'thank you' to the following: -everyone who came to see us in Bilston, London, Chesterfield, Vervier, Russelheim, Reichenbach and Zoetermeer! -each and every technician we worked with along the way, all very professionnal and so easy to work with, great job guys!! -to Nathalie Pointer, our road manager and driver, without whom we would still be stuck in the first roundabout just outside heathrow as i write this, among many, many other potential spinal tap moments!!!! -to Claude Goyette, our merch guy and co-pilot, another more-than-essential piece of our little team -to DeeExpus, Minor giant, Deafening Opera, our exceptionally cool and talented opening bands, and the long list of bands who also played the progressive promotion fest in russelheim, so cool to have shared the stage with you, and of course extra thanks for providing some of the backline needed!!! -to all the new friends, old friends, new and long time fans we met along the road, Tom, Lilly Maskottchen, to Harry, Uwe and all the other managers of these great venues we played at, i know i'm gonna forget names, i'm so sorry, i think i'm gonna go back to bed a little bit, lol!! Thank you to all of you!! Help me out fellow mysterons collegue, if i should mention anyone else... Thanks again and see you back on the road soon! Frank prog on....

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