Unveil the Mystery (Issue no10-part2)
Good day everyone! as promised, just in time before 2014 ends, here's part two of my touring journal from last september.... (sept.15, Ashaffenburg-Germany) The search for a laundromat is arduous! But the searchin' was rewarded with a quick visit into a very nice record (vinyl) shop. German pressings are a must!! Another beautiful, very clean city, great beer, great food, and last but not least, a chance to see the spock's beard show at the colosaal. I've been aware of the band for many years but not that familiar with their material. I enjoyed it very much, especially the second half of the set. We had a nice conversation with their singer Ted Leonard after the show, about Reichenbach (our next stop), and his last show experience in Quebec with transatlantic. Very nice guy.( sept. 17) We get to another beautiful city in Germany, Pauen. Lots of tramways, lots of restaurants open late.. And to the recommendation of our road manager, we all get to see the classic film ''spinal tap''....in one of our hotel rooms, on my laptop! Quite pathetic set up for a movie night but we had fun.(sept.18 Reichenbach-Germany) Berkeller! The mythical very, very small club, to my biggest surprise, has been the home of some of prog's big names and all time legends; Steve Hackett, Chester Thompson, Mike Keneally, Terry Bozzio (how the hell his drums fitted in here?), spocks beard, the watch, and the list goes on.... We've been told there would be an audience of about 80 (how the hell are they gonna fit there?). Good show, it was hot as hell, but it was the noisiest crowd to date. Embarassing moment of the day: while doing some air drumming ''backstage'' (wich is also the bathroom access/storage room/main entrance), i broke one of their glass covered picture frame of one of their past famous guest. We played awakening 2 times, as a special request by the manager. (quote ends here) Thats it! Need to say it was a great tour? We met some great people along the way. I did'nt wrote anything on our way back from our last gig in Holland but be assured that, again, this gig was among our highlights on that trip. As soon as the holidays are over, it's back to work. In fact, Mike already did some demo's and i've started recording some bass ideas for a new song. But before we go any further, let me wish you a very happy new year, for everyone of you who's reading this now!Have a healthy, peaceful, happy and proggy 2015!- Frank