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Unveil the Mystery (Issue no1)

Hello there! I’ve been asked to do this weekly chronicle about me, the music i listen to, the show's I’ve seen or done with mystery or other bands, musical influences, my two cents on the music business,my discoveries of old and new artists, my own mysteron gig/rehearsal/miscellaneous stuff, if anyone's interested, here it is, chapter one.

This week I’m going to start with that *question* i get each time i have to answer 'what's my job'. ‘‘You’re a musician? What kind of music do you play?''. Lets be honest, for anyone whoplay's country, jazz, pop, the answer is usually pretty easy...but for the family members of a certain age that you don't see enough, or the uninitiated people in general, how do i describe ''Mystery''???

Our first trip to the states was like ''Oh, you're a musician, you play country western??''...And we were in a restaurant in Morrisburgh PA, not Austin TX! I always thought the best exit door for me is to include ''PinkFloyd'' and ''Journey'' somewhere in the rough description....I know some mystery fans will say its an over-simplistic description that doesn’t do justice to what the band really is or meant to be for them, and i apologize for that. As incredible as it may seems, I’m still clueless even after all these years, if any of you have a clue of what would be the perfect answer (think ofthe people who only know Supertramp as the closest thing to prog), then you’remore than welcome to help me, really!

That being said, you'll see through my chronicles that a lot of my musical influences has nothing to do with prog, oreven neo-symphonic prog, so just in case, don't worry, i still play some dreamtheater or rush on my turntables from time to time (yes, turntables, I’m one ofthese nostalgic freaks with an Ikea's expedit shelf full of vinyl's, in theprocess of getting another one for my 1400 + collection) That’s it for this week.

May the prog be with you


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